It’s the hope that holds us still,
and keeps us frozen in time
It’s the hope we fear of letting go,
because that might be a sign
‘the end’
That there is nothing left to look forward to
And certainty of ‘the end’, kills…
But then one has to choose,
Life and joy or misery and punishment?
We have to accept at some point that we did the best we could at the time
That our best may of been awful, and hurt those we loved, or vice versa, but now we know
And knowing is wisdom
and wisdom is strength
strength is love
and if the lessons learnt are invaluable and have made you a much better person because of them
Then say thank you.
Thank you lover, it was an honour.
Thank you lover, it was a pleasure.
Thank you lover, it was a dream come true.
Be grateful
You have loved, and what a blessing it is to love.
Thank you for your poem,
It couldn’t of come at a better time