Come here,
Go away
Feel familiar?
I want you close,
But I can’t bare to stay
Longing for connection,
But more comfortable with rejection
It’s too — big — a — risk
I’d rather pretend that I don’t care,
And continue my life
As if you weren’t really there
Because if I open,
And I reveal
Who I am and what I really feel?
And you just can’t deal?
No, there’s too much at stake,
And I have worked way too hard,
To let go of the chains
That protect my heart
I’ve been here before
I know how it goes,
I’ll let you into my world
And then you’ll quickly disappear
And I’ll be left
Once more
Reminded of why
I should have learnt from before
Angry and frustrated at myself
Forced to feel
The undercurrents of all the pain
Of the men that came before
So yes, I want you close,
And yes, it feels so good to be around you.
So good, that I just can’t bare to stay
Because I am afraid
I’m afraid of connection
I’m afraid of rejection
I’m afraid of feeling what it is I really feel
So I pull away.
And in the midst of my confusion,
I tell you to come here
And then go away
When really I am longing for connection,
But I am more comfortable with rejection
Because love is too — big — a — risk